Hunan to Give Priority to Development of Textbook on Gender Equality for Elementary, Secondary Schools

 January 5, 2020

The Office of the Working Committee on Children and Women of the Hunan Provincial Government recently held a training session on gender equality education in elementary and secondary schools in Changsha, capital city of Central China's Hunan Province.

Zhong Bin, vice-president of the Hunan Women's Federation, urged to further promote the work of the gender equality education in elementary and secondary schools in an all-round way at the opening ceremony of the training session. She pointed out that several requirements should be met, including fully recognizing the significance of the work, understanding the rules of education and teaching in elementary and secondary schools, giving priority to the development of teaching materials or textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, strengthening the building and capacity of teaching staff and establishing the system of characteristic courses.

Education departments, schools and offices of the working committees on children and women, as the main parties involving in the gender equality education, should fulfill their duties and cooperate to promote the work, Zhong added.

According to an official from the province's office of the working committee on children and women, the work of conducting gender equality education in elementary and secondary schools is also of great significance to the implementation of relevant principles of gender equality and education work clarified in the programs for the development of women and children in Hunan.

Representatives from the cities of Changsha, Xiangtan and Chenzhou introduced their practices in promoting gender equality education in elementary and secondary schools in 2019 and their work plan in 2020 at the session.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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