National Parent-Child Reading Campaign Launched in Beijing

 April 23, 2022

Shen Yueyue (C), Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the All-China Women's Federation, visits a children's home in Beijing's Shijingshan District on April 17. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


A national parent-child reading campaign was launched by the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) on April 17 in Beijing's Shijingshan District in the run-up to the 27th World Book Day which will fall on April 23.

Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and President of the ACWF, presented classic books to family representatives, and she encouraged parents to accompany their children to read books, and guide them to cultivate good conduct and habits.

During her visit to the library and children's home of a community in Shijingshan District, Shen learned about parents' needs in family education and their participation in parent-child book-reading activities. She urged the parents to make full use of online family education platforms to master scientific and practical methods of family education and to actively participate in parent-child book-reading activities.

Shen also encouraged the children to read more classic books, follow the Party's leadership, build noble ideals and be ready to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Shen stressed that local women's federations across the country should make full use of public cultural resources to carry out various parent-child book-reading activities with rich content and provide professional and accessible parent-child book-reading support services.

Books are presented to family representatives at the event. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


During the event, some classic books were introduced to the participants. Representatives of parents and children shared their experience in reading classic books. Liang Xiaosheng, a famous writer, gave a lecture on parent-child reading, and he interacted with the participants on that topic. Relevant book reading activities were held across the country simultaneously both online and offline.

A boy displays his calligraphy work during the event. [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


Themed with welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the organizer will recommend 100 good books and carry out tens of thousands of parent-child book-reading activities in collaboration with some 100 book-reading bases and 1,000 book-reading institutions nationwide.

The ACWF will also donate reading materials to and provide parent-child reading guidance for left-behind children whose parents have migrated to other places for work, as well as migrant children and children and families in need, in such areas as old revolutionary bases, ethnic minority regions, border areas and key counties pursuing rural revitalization.

Huang Xiaowei, Secretary of the Leading Party Members' Group and Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, also attended the event.

Parents and children at the event [China Women's News/Yang Rui]


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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