Wuzhishan in Hainan Holds Breastfeeding Educational Event

海南省ByHe Hua August 12, 2015
Wuzhishan in Hainan Holds Breastfeeding Educational Event

A photo of the breastfeeding educational event held in Wuzhishan City, south China's Hainan Province, on August 7. [Wuzhishan Women's Federation]

Wuzhishan Women's Federation and the Wuzhishan Health Bureau in Wuzhishan City, south China's Hainan Province co-sponsored an educational event on August 7, to raise public awareness of the importance of breastfeeding to the healthy growth of children.

Organizers hoped to promote the popularity of breastfeeding amongst local women, and build a social environment conducive to the practice of breastfeeding, a spokesperson said.

During the event, staff members from two organizing agencies distributed publications in connection with breastfeeding to local citizens, spoke with them about how to correctly undertake breastfeeding, and gave answers to their questions.

The event was timed to welcome the arrival of annual World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7).

Wuzhishan in Hainan Holds Breastfeeding Educational Event

A staff member (L) talks with young women about the importance of breastfeeding their children. [Wuzhishan Women's Federation]

(Provided by the Hainan Women's Federation/He Hua)


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