Doctor Earns High Praise for Dedication to Her Career

 August 16, 2018
Liu Meilin [Women Voice]


A doctor from Beijing has earned high praise from the public after dedicating herself to the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease (CVD), China's leading cause of death, for over three decades.

Liu Meilin, director of the Geratology Department of Peking University First Hospital, obtained her bachelor's degree at Beijing Medical College (now named Peking University Health Science Center) in 1984.

She earned her master's degree at Hong Kong Grantham Hospital in 1998, and a doctoral degree in medicine at Uppsala University in Sweden in 2002.

During her stay in the Nordic country, she realized the significance of preventing and controlling CVD.

"I still remember the findings of a thesis written by an American doctor. People who like eating fish have a lower risk of developing CVD compared to those who dislike," Liu said.

"The article impressed me a lot. I used to believe that saving CVD patients from death can prove a doctor's capability, but now I think that preventing people from suffering from the deadly disease should be a doctor's priority," she added.

It is reported that the number of CVD patients has mounted to some 290 million in China due to people's chronic unhealthy diet and lifestyle. The disease can paralyze patients or even kill them within just several minutes if not being handled properly.

After returning to China, Liu began to make more efforts to promote the prevention and control of CVD and carry out charity campaigns in the country.

"As a doctor, I think it is my responsibility to publicize advanced medical theories and health concepts among the public," she said.

Liu has called on society to give more attention to female CVD patients over the past several years.

Since 2008, she has organized a forum on women's health once a year.

"People used to hold the view that most CVD patients are men, but the concept is wrong. Most young women can indeed avoid CVD with the protection offered from their estrogen, but the risk mounts as they go into menopause," Liu said.

Liu believes that letting women know the ways to prevent and control CVD can significantly improve the life quality of their families.

"In China, women are mainly responsible for families' diet. If they have the awareness to prevent and control CVD, then the whole family would benefit," she said.

With her achievement, Liu was named by the All-China Women's Federation as a National March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter in 2018, an honor which firmed up her determination to fight against CVD.

Since first entering the workplace, Liu has always insisted on enriching her knowledge.

"I think being a doctor is a high-demanding career. If you want to present an excellent performance, you must constantly improve your medical skills and adhere to the concept of serving patients," Liu said.

"In western countries, most people work to enjoy pleasure brought by their jobs. I have similar experiences, and I don't regret my choice of becoming a doctor," she added.


Doctor Earns High Praise for Dedication to Her Career
A women's health forum [Women Voice]
Doctor Earns High Praise for Dedication to Her Career
A senior and medical workers pose for a group photo. [Women Voice]
Doctor Earns High Praise for Dedication to Her Career
Liu and her colleagues work in the hospital. [Women Voice]


(Source: Women Voice/ Translated and edited by Women of China)


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